40th Year Celebration of IC/CCC

We’ve just celebrated the 40th anniversary of the invention of Continuous Compaction Control (CCC) – later dubbed as Intelligent Compaction (IC) – in Vienna, Austria on Nov. 29, 2018. More than 160 IC-CCC experts (pretty much include all IC-CCC research, development, and implementation from all of the world) from more than 2 dozen countries have attended this historical event. This Symposium proceedings is published by the Technical University of Vienna (TU Wien). Here is also a historical moment with the inventor of IC-CCC in the attached photo (from the left to the right): Prof. Antonio Correia of Minho University, Portugal (leader in EU IC-CCC specification and implementation, Vice President of IICTG), A. Sandstrom of Geodynamic, Sweden (inventor of IC-CCC), Dr. George Chang of Transtec Group, USA (leader in US IC-CCC specification and global implementation, President of IICTG), and Prof. Soheil Nazarian of University of Texas – El Paso, USA (leader in US IC-CCC research, Executive Member of IICTG). IC-CCC has come a long way for the past 40 years! It is anticipated to be elevated to the next levels with the integration with other Intelligent Construction Technologies (IICTG.org) in the decades to come!